Thursday, May 24, 2007

Review: HauteGREEN, Sustainable Design Show

Our review of HauteGREEN, the sustainable design show that ran during the ICFF last weekend, appeared yesterday in WorldChanging New York.

I attended the show on Friday night with WCNY's wonderful editor Emily Gertz, with whom I co-wrote the review.

To see pix and learn more about the show, check out the review. But if you just want a taste of our shared take, here ya go:

"Even the free vodka drinks provided to the press by the show's sponsors could not blunt our ambivalent reactions to HauteGREEN. It's exciting to see how far ecological and human health concerns have advanced on the agendas of these creative and sometimes influential designers (and the interests of those flocking to NYC for the week's assortment of design happenings). But the extent to which they were represented in these design objects ranged from a rich deep green -- with some items displaying great uses of reclaimed materials, attention to environmentally friendly finishes and dyes -- to rather pallid examples of over-reliance on bamboo (which, unless it is produced organically, is often grown using harsh chemicals that to some extent nullify the benefits of avoiding use of wood)."

WCNY writer Starre Vartan also reviewed the show, and she offers great insights and additional pix.

I will get a post up about the ICFF show soon, hopefully...


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